
Summer Send off

Stage in the park, cool acoustic/freestyling music, good friends, warm air, slight breeze. Is there any better way to say goodbye to summer? I think not, my friends.

Last night, I enjoyed the musical stylings of Bushwalla, G.Love and Special Sauce, and Jason Mraz . Bushwalla played the host of the night, starting with a grin-inducing opener and frequent stage visits to freestyle and entertain the audience. G.Love and Special Sauce performed before Jason Mraz took the stage and I was intrigued by G.Love's signature style. His music was a delectable mix of soul, hip-hop, rock, and a dash of Special Sauce (see what I did right there? Oh the cleverness). The hilarious charm and nonchalance of Booty Call (video) immediately won me over. And then, when G. Love smoothly transitioned into a Beatles' classic, Why Don't We Do It In The Road?, he completely sealed the deal.

Mraz took the stage after G. Love and the audience went wild. A sea of people crushed towards the stage just to breathe the same air as the man(I was within 6 feet of him, I think that counts for something.) Mraz had an incredible stage presence and the intimate park setting suited him perfectly. A quick glance at my co-audience members revealed the transcendent quality of his music; immediately surrounding me were a grandma, a few hipsters, moms with their toddlers, some sorority girls glammed up for a night out, twelve-year-olds wearing "I Heart Jason" attire, and a several hippies tossed in for good measure. Jason, too, had a little Beatles influence showing; a couple of his songs were reminicent of "Across the Universe" and "While My Guitar Gently Weeps." His reggae/surfer influence came through as well, with a chill surfer vibe settling over the audience and his happy rendition of "Three Little Birds" invited the crowd to sing along. The theme of the evening was being grateful for the people that surrounded us, friends and strangers alike. We high-fived our neighbors, hugged strangers, and reestablished bonds with our friends. At one point, Bushwalla asked, "What are you grateful for?" and introduced to us to The Gratitude Cafe, an environmentally friendly cafe that teaches its patrons( and now, through Mraz, the world)how to be grateful for the things in our lives. I certainly know the answer to that question; Great friends, great music, and great memories. Thank you Bushwalla, G. Love and Special Sauce, Jason Mraz, and everyone else who contributed to such a fantasic evening. And farewell, sweet summer. See you next year!

Read. Think. Type. Rock.


Jason was amazing....

Yeah - Katie, Nick, and I...(and some chicks I talked to at the Zip Trip on the way home...) ALL agreed that Jason Mraz at the Lilac Bowl was an AMAZING show! Seriously....Spokane's music scene has got it goin' on....

Here are some pics Nick and I snagged at the show...

1) Ok - G-LOVE and the SPECIAL SAUCE were totally amazing. Had I ever heard of them? No. Are they popular in the 'stream? They should be. Was I dancing to their tunes like there was no tomorrow? Absolutely. Enough said. (Plus...they're cool enough to have a song called 'Booty Call'...yeah. How awesome is that?)
2) Yes! Then the moment arrived! More like JASON arrived! The crowd was all together yelling 'JAAASONNNN! JAAASONNNN!' It was a great feeling...a great feeling indeed.
What was your fave song done at the show? For those of you who didn't attend, What's your favorite MRAZ song in general?
Here's my 'Jason-love' lineup:
1) The Remedy
2) Butterfly
3) His rendition of the Marley tune. AWESOME!
4)Love for a Child
5) I'm Yours, OF COURSE!

3) Here's the entire ampitheatre done Panorama-style...Amazing is the only word to describe it. Really amazing.



Ok it is way past time to get PUMPED for this......... what you ask? well the Jason Mraz concert...IN SPOKANE AT THE LOVELY LILAC BOWL. That is right tomorrow is a night of epic proportions seeing how Jason Mraz (a acoustica singer in case there is anyone in the world who dose not know that)is gracing spokane with his presence and i am PROWD to say that Chloe and I, among countless others i hope, will be attending. Expect a review right here on [our] open door ASAP!!!



I promise I will never do this again, but I feel that this is a special case. I will write about a celebrity couple. But, wait! Don't click away! It's not an average, off-again, on-again, we're-only-together-for-publicity couple; It's a so-cool-and-adorable-your-heart-may-melt couple. I am, of course, speaking of Ben Gibbard and Zooey Deschanel. Ben's music has had a big influence on my life and Zooey's films and music have also influenced me. I couldn't be happier that they (drumroll!) were married on Saturday, September 19th. Congratulations, Ben and Zooey. Best of luck!


Learning from the 19th Century

I write a lot about being present and taking advantage of opportunities and I found a great quote that really sums up what I try to say. It's from the novel, "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne (which by the way, it OUTSTANDING and worth a look...or two)

The future is yet full of trial and success. There is happiness to be enjoyed! There is good to be done! Exchange the false life of thine for a true one. […] Preach! Write! Act! Do anything, save to lie down and die. […] Why shouldst thou tarry so much as one other day in the torments that have so gnawed thy life!—that have made thee feeble to will and to do!—that will leave thee powerless even to repent! Up, and away!

I like this quote because, in a more eloquent way than I ever could, it says, "Get off your seat and start living!" Hopefully, Hawthorne can reach through the internet to inspire you.

Off with a Running Start...

This sounds pretty poetic and cheesy - but I love those magical days, those days when everything you see seems fresh and inspiring, whether it be your classroom, entire school, or just a new notebook. Yeah - I'm talking about that opening day into the world of Academcs...the First Day of School. (With delibrate Capitalization there).

Since my First Day I've been going to High School each mornin' to look forward to an open schedule for the first 4 hours. The SCC and 'Running Start' schedule begins Fall Quarter on September 21st and that day has finally come! (and went...)

It was truly amazing. Sure, I did sit in the wrong class thinking I had successfully located mine, (ok - I did that twice...but who's counting??) But everything did indeed have that fresh quality. The Campus Bookstore seemed to have more stuff, the Library seemed to be even more pristine, even the bathrooms and vending machines seemed pretty impressive. Things are good on the First Day, things are Very Good.

An Inside Looksie at My Schedule:
*Board the bus at 7 am sharp
Econ100 - 8:30 to 9:30
PolSci101 - 9:30 to 10:30
Anth100 - Online in my own time
*I'll head back to school on the bus after Political Science
Lunch at school! Yeah!
Spanish 1 - Online in my own time
AP English IIII - 1:12 to 2:07
Algebra II Independent Study - 2:10 to 3:30

What's your schedule this year? How WAS the First Day? Any college plans?

(Pictures: Top Right - The BIG sign at the entrance of the college. Bottom Left: A city view of good ol' Spokane)