For my fifth birthday, my celebration of being "half a decade" old, I was SO incredibly pumped to be able to help frost my own cupcakes. Chocolate cupcakes, to be exact. For this gal here, Katie, (and not quite the same Katie as here on [our] open door), she celebrated being five with a trip to Fashion Week. NEW YORK Fashion Week, might I add. SHE IS FIVE YEARS OLD!!
(Katie meeting Nina Garcia, Fashion Director for
Marie Claire magazine...)

(Katie meeting Nina Garcia, Fashion Director for
Marie Claire magazine...)
My jaw dropped upon seeing this. Year Five of my life was truly about tag, pretending to be a kitten, and playing with my two best friends in private school. There was no place that I knew called, 'Front Row of a Very Impressive, Possibly Couture Fashion Show'; there was school, the playground, reading time in the library, and snacktime, that's it.
I stared and I stared, finally "Googling" the rest of the story. Katie actually does have a taste for fashion, even if her 'tastebuds havn't quite developed yet'. She was sponsored by Racked National, and was really more of a joke than a serious seat reservation for a girl in pink and orange tights.
May have been a joke...but I took this all too seriously! I'm starting to think that this reaction is exactly what Racked National wanted to generate; fashion doesn't need to be serious, there's no need for an extensive college education on the theory of sweaters or even a crew of model muses, all you need is appreciation for the art. We need to realize that fashion is an Art that anyone can attempt, if the desire is there. Katie did a great job of letting fashion-followers in on this vital life lesson. Have. Fun. With. Fashion.
Release YOUR inner five-year-old!