Materials- Headband, glue, ribbon, feather, binder clips, jewels or other add-ons (this totalled around $10 for me)
1) Ok first you need to glue the ribbon to your headband. Work slowly,wrapping the ribbon around the headband in a spiral motion and adding glue as you work. Don't add to much or else it will bleed through. As you glue, attach binder clips to hold the ribbon in place while the glue dries. Let the glue dry
2) Now attach your feather. Mine came with felt backing, but if yours doesn't have that, I would reccomend adding it, so as not to clump the feathers. Clip a binder clip where you can to hold the feather in place. Now is when you would attach any other decoration to your headband.
3)Finally, where and show off your adorable headband!
Enjoy! More to come soon.