So, 9 days ago I saw Blitzen Trapper and the Moondoggies in concert. It was a fantastic experience. Both are folksy-rock bands with varying influences that made for a really unique and enjoyable experience. I'm not really a music writer and I know that people don't really want to read long descriptions about things they didn't get to actually see, but I really do have to strongly that you check out these bands.

I've found that lesser-known acts have much better live shows than more popular acts because they are playing for the entertainment of their audience. Both of these bands were prime examples of this phenomenon. There was so much passion in both of their shows that, as an audience member,I really felt like I was a part of the show.
If you like unique sounds that aren't too far-off or foreign while still bringing something new to the table, check out the Moondoggies and Blitzen Trapper (whose new album, Destroyer of the Void, just dropped and is AMAZING).

Any good shows you've seen recently? Leave a post about it!