My open door, my opportunity, my shining moments in life are generally revealed to me through music. I discover inspiration is lyrics and sound bites and I find direction in melodies and beats. Sometimes, a particular line is so moving that I simply must share it. So, first lyrical advice to share with the readers comes from What Made Milwaukee Famous and their song Sultan.
I've had less than my fair share of lucky breaks
And enough of this fooling around
I've got one last chance to get rid of my past
And bury it deep in the ground
And no matter what you try man
You're never gonna tear me down
When the only blame you cast is your own
And your only guarantee is your fear of the unknown
If you don't cut your losses before you get lost
They're never going to leave you alone
My best bits of advice I'll repeat only twice
After that you can fend for yourself
If you think that your shoes couldn't find better use
They'll fit just about anyone else
You need to face up and fold
Or deal with the hand you're dealt
Make up your mind
Are you in are you out
I've no patience for your impetuous doubt
Basically, what this means to me, is get your act together! Seize the day! You need to show people why you're hanging around and give them a reason to appreciate you.
"If you think that your shoes couldn't find better use/They'll fit just about anyone else" You are replaceable unless you make yourself irreplaceable.
The best piece I can ever give anyone is "And no matter what you try man/You're never gonna tear me down." Life is too short to be knocked down and kicked around. You need to stand up for yourself. No one can bring you down if you live with the What Made Milwaukee Famous mentality. Okay, enough rambling, here's the video.
My List of colosal AX Men!!!!!

So here is the deal i have been looking at the Rolling Stone's pick of the top 50 guitrarists of all time and it is not that i disagree i just what to make my own list so check it out my top five best ROCKERS EVA!!!!
1)"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott the founder of Pantera not to credit the fact that his name is metioned in the same sentense as such rock gods as Tony Iomie, and Randy Roads!
2)Jimi Hendrix Yeah all the hype is true you ask any real guitarst and they will state that Jimi is king!!!!!!
3)Synester Gates though people might not realize it he is AWESOME i had the honor to see them live a cople mounts back and his solo time BLEW MY MIND!!!!!!
4)Eddie Van Halen!!! there is one reason that EVH makes it on to my list and the is the guitar work in "You relly got me now" it is just colossal!
5)and last but not least the number five on my list is.....Randy Roads if not for him Ozzy would have been another pop band from there time!
so there you have it ladies and gents my favorite guitarst!!!!!
Any one else you might like to see?
I'm an addict...
It's not often that I post something that would have absolutely NO interest to the guys...but this could definitely be one. I'll just have to put that aside for now, 'cause this website must be shared!
Rachel Zoe is a Hollywood stylist, having dressed the biggest and the most famous stars of all ages, including Anne Hathaway, Debra Messing, Joy Bryant...ect. Here's another good reference to Zoe: Remember the first stages of the 'Olsen-fashion' trends? Really big sunglasses? Messy hair? Tons of jewlry? Huge layers of knits, furs, and vintage? Yeah - that was all inspired by Rachel's own look.
So I'm now an official addict: I click up to The Zoe Report just about every day while surfing the web. On her website, Rachel sheds some light on new trends and cool designer pieces in a blog-format, while even listing some similar alternatives with more attainable price-tags. It's basically the easiest way to get some great inspiration!
Rachel Zoe is a Hollywood stylist, having dressed the biggest and the most famous stars of all ages, including Anne Hathaway, Debra Messing, Joy Bryant...ect. Here's another good reference to Zoe: Remember the first stages of the 'Olsen-fashion' trends? Really big sunglasses? Messy hair? Tons of jewlry? Huge layers of knits, furs, and vintage? Yeah - that was all inspired by Rachel's own look.
So I'm now an official addict: I click up to The Zoe Report just about every day while surfing the web. On her website, Rachel sheds some light on new trends and cool designer pieces in a blog-format, while even listing some similar alternatives with more attainable price-tags. It's basically the easiest way to get some great inspiration!
Shopping gone scary...

It's pretty common knowledge that the young generation in Japan is fashionable....and I mean fashionable. Uuber fashionable. Fashionable to the extremes. They are the definite definition of fashionable. It's completely common to see teenagers and young adults decked out in designer duds from head to toe, no matter what the cost. (Some quick numbers: 40% of all luxury goods sales are straight from Japan, while around half of Japanese women in their 20's own a Louis Vuitton product...*sigh...lovely LV picture at right.)
This expensive style and obsession with designer labels can turn deadly, as the case with Keiko Onishi, 25 yrs. Oinshi ate nothing but watered-down miso soup for weeks in order to save up cash to buy a limited-edition Gucci bracelet watch. The result; Marie Claire magazine reports on "severe malnutrition and dehydration...the only wrist accessory she wound up with was a saline drip."
(Picture Left: Forever 21, one of MY fave places for cheap fashion...that I don't have to starve myself in order to indulge in...Picture Right: Natalie Portman's shoe line te' cassan...vegan and beautiful and something I would really really be tempted to spend a paycheck on...*double sigh...)
What kind of items are YOU willing to lay down the cash for? What's the most expensive item you've purchased?
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